

13 Aug 2018


ldmsd_failover - explanation, configuration, and commands for ldmsd failover



host=HOST port=PORT xprt=XPRT [peer_name=NAME] [interval=USEC] [timeout_factor=FLOAT] [auto_switch=0|1]







ldmsd can be configured to form a failover pair with another ldmsd. In a nutshell, when a failover pair is formed, the ldmsd’s exchange their updater and producer configuration so that when one goes down, the other will take over the LDMS set aggregation load (failover).

Ping-echo mechanism is used to detect the service unavailability. Each ldmsd in the pair sends ping requests to the other, the peer echo back along with its status. When the echo has not been received within the timeout period (see below), the peer configuration is automatically started (failover).

The following paragraphs explain ldmsd configuration commands relating to ldmsd failover feature.

failover_config configure failover feature in an ldmsd. The failover service must be stopped before configuring it. The following list describes the command parameters.


The hostname of the failover partner. This is optional in re-configuration.


The LDMS port of the failover partner. This is optional in re-configuration.


The LDMS transport type (sock, rdma, or ugni) of the failover partner. This is optional in re-configuration.


(Optional) The ldmsd name of the failover parter (please see option -n in ldmsd(8)). If this is specified, the ldmsd will only accept a pairing with other ldmsd with matching name. Otherwise, the ldmsd will pair with any ldmsd requesting a failover pairing.


(Optional) The interval (in micro-seconds) for ping and transport re-connecting. The default is 1000000 (1 sec).


(Optional) The echo timeout factor. The echo timeout is calculated by timeout_factor * interval. The default is 2.


(Optional) If this is on (1), ldmsd will start peercfg or stop peercfg automatically. Otherwise, the user need to issue failover_peercfg_start or failover_peercfg_stop manually. By default, this value is 1.

failover_start is a command to start the (configured) failover service. After the failover service has started, it will pair with the peer, retreiving peer configurations and start peer configurations when it believes that the peer is not in service (with `auto_switch=1`, otherwise it does nothing).

Please also note that when the failover service is in use (after failover_start), prdcr, updtr, and strgp cannot be altered over the in-band configuration (start, stop, or reconfigure). The failover service must be stopped (failover_stop) before altering those configuration objects.

failover_stop is a command to stop the failover service. When the service is stopped, the peer configurations will also be stopped and removed from the local memory. The peer also won’t be able to pair with local ldmsd when the failover service is stopped. Issuing failover_stop after the pairing process succeeded will stop failover service on both daemons in the pair.

failover_status is a command to report (via ldmsd_controller) the failover statuses.

failover_peercfg_start is a command to manually start peer configruation. Please note that if the auto_switch is 1, the ldmsd will automatically stop peer configuration when it receives the echo from the peer.

failover_peercfg_stop is a command to manually stop peer configuration. Please note that if the auto_switch is 1, the ldmsd will automatically start peercfg when the echo has timed out.


The peer configuration is automatically activated when an echo-timeout event occurred (with `auto_switch=1`). The echo-timeout is calculated based on ping interval, ping-echo round-trip time, `timeout_factor` and moving standard deviation of ping-echo round-trip time as follows:

rt_time[N] is an array of last N ping-echo round-trip time.

base = max( max(rt_time), ping_interval ) timeout1 = base + 4 * SD(rt_time) timeout2 = base*timeout_factor

timeout = max( timeout1, timeout2 )


Let’s consider the following setup:

                 |  a20  |
                 | s00/a |
                 | s00/b |
                 | s01/a |
                 | s01/b |
                 | s02/a |
                 | s02/b |
                 | s03/a |
                 | s03/b |
         |                       |
     .-------.               .-------.
     |  a10  |               |  a11  |
     |-------|               |-------|
     | s00/a |      pair     | s02/a |
     | s00/b |...............| s02/b |
     | s01/a |               | s03/a |
     | s01/b |               | s03/b |
     '-------'               '-------'
         ^                       ^
         |                       |
    .----'---.                 .-'------.
    |        |                 |        |
.-------..-------.         .-------..-------.
|  s00  ||  s01  |         |  s02  ||  s03  |
|-------||-------|         |-------||-------|
| s00/a || s01/a |         | s02/a || s03/a |
| s00/b || s01/b |         | s02/b || s03/b |
'-------''-------'         '-------''-------'

In this setup, we have 4 sampler daemons (s00 - s03), 2 level-1 aggregator (a10, a11), and 1 level-2 aggregator (a20). Each sampler daemon contain set a and set b, which are prefixed by the sampler daemon name. The level-1 aggregators are configured to be a failover pair, aggregating sets from the sampler daemons as shown in the picture. And the level-2 aggregator is configured to aggregate sets from the level-1 aggregators.

The following is a list of configuration and CLI options to achieve the setup shown above:

# a20.cfg
prdcr_add name=prdcr_a10 host=a10.hostname port=12345 xprt=sock \
          type=active interval=1000000
prdcr_start name=prdcr_a10
prdcr_add name=prdcr_a11 host=a11.hostname port=12345 xprt=sock \
          type=active interval=1000000
prdcr_start name=prdcr_a11
updtr_add name=upd interval=1000000 offset=0
updtr_prdcr_add name=upd regex.*
updtr_start upd

# a10.cfg
prdcr_add name=prdcr_s00 host=s00.hostname port=12345 xprt=sock \
          type=active interval=1000000
prdcr_start name=prdcr_s00
prdcr_add name=prdcr_s01 host=s01.hostname port=12345 xprt=sock \
          type=active interval=1000000
prdcr_start name=prdcr_s01
updtr_add name=upd interval=1000000 offset=0
updtr_prdcr_add name=upd regex.*
updtr_start upd
failover_config host=a11.hostname port=12345 xprt=sock \
                      interval=1000000 peer_name=a11
# a10 CLI
$ ldmsd -c a10.cfg -x sock:12345 -n a10
                                # name this daemon "a10"

# a11.cfg
prdcr_add name=prdcr_s02 host=s02.hostname port=12345 xprt=sock \
          type=active interval=1000000
prdcr_start name=prdcr_s02
prdcr_add name=prdcr_s03 host=s03 port=12345 xprt=sock \
          type=active interval=1000000
prdcr_start name=prdcr_s03
updtr_add name=upd interval=1000000 offset=0
updtr_prdcr_add name=upd regex.*
updtr_start upd
failover_config host=a10.hostname port=12345 xprt=sock \
                      interval=1000000 peer_name=a10
# a11 CLI
$ ldmsd -c a11 -x sock:12345 -n a11
                                # name this daemon "a11"

# sampler config are omitted (irrelevant).

With this setup, when a10 died, a11 will start aggregating sets from s00 and s01. When this is done, a20 will still get all of the sets through a11 depicted in the following figure.

                 |  a20  |
                 | s00/a |
                 | s00/b |
                 | s01/a |
                 | s01/b |
                 | s02/a |
                 | s02/b |
                 | s03/a |
                 | s03/b |
     xxxxxxxxx               .-------.
     x  a10  x               |  a11  |
     x-------x               |-------|
     x s00/a x               | s00/a |
     x s00/b x               | s00/b |
     x s01/a x               | s01/a |
     x s01/b x               | s01/b |
     xxxxxxxxx               | s02/a |
                             | s02/b |
                             | s03/a |
                             | s03/b |
    |        |                 |        |
.-------..-------.         .-------..-------.
|  s00  ||  s01  |         |  s02  ||  s03  |
|-------||-------|         |-------||-------|
| s00/a || s01/a |         | s02/a || s03/a |
| s00/b || s01/b |         | s02/b || s03/b |
'-------''-------'         '-------''-------'

When a10 heartbeat is back, a11 will stop its producers/updaters that were working in place of a10. The LDMS network is then recovered back to the original state in the first figure.


ldmsd(8), ldms_quickstart(7), ldmsd_controller(8)