

18 Apr 2019


ldms-csv-anonymize - anonymize columns of csv files


ldms-csv-anonymize -h

ldms-csv-anonymize [–input csv-file] [–out-dir OUT_DIR] [–col-sep COL_SEP] [–seed SEED] [–save-maps SAVE_MAPS] [–imap IMAP] [–nmap NMAP] [–pmap PMAP] [–hmap HMAP] [–debug] [M:C [M:C …]]

ldms-csv-anonymize –gen-args GEN_ARGS <header_file>


The ldms-csv-anonymize command rewrites ldms and slurm data files column-wise with filters specified by the M:C arguments. M:C is a mapping:column number pair or filename. M is one of int,path,name,host. C is a nonzero number. Negative numbers count back from the last column.



Args is a file name or space-separated list of file names to be processed. Filenames cannot contain whitespace.

Path is a directory (must pre-exist and should not be the same as any directory containing the input) which will be filled with the changed files. The original files will are not changed. If an output file name coincides with one of the inputs, the input data may be lost or corrupted.

Split columns at this character. The default is comma.

The path prefix for the generated map files. If the resulting map filenames coincide with an existing file, the existing file is overwritten.

An integer mapping file to preload. It must contain two columns of integers and magic. Normally it is the output of a prior run. See MAPS below.

A name mapping file to preload. It must contain two columns of names and magic. Normally it is the output of a prior run. Each real name is replaced with ‘n’ and a sequential number. See MAPS below.

A path element mapping file to preload. It must contain two columns of path elements and magic. Normally it is the output of a prior run. Path elements are unqualified subdirectory names. Each unique subdirectory name is replaced with ‘p’ and a sequential number, allowing directory hierarchy to be preserved without revealing application identities. See MAPS below.

A host name mapping file to preload. It must contain columns of host elements and magic. It may be host name fragment information or the output of a prior run. Any hostname found in the input data which cannot be mapped to the host elements will cause an anonymization error. There is no default handling of unknown hosts. See MAPS below.

Creating the M:C specification needed in a data transformation run can be done by first using the argument generation mode. Given a file starting with a header line of column names and the list of method:name pairs, this command displays the corresponding list of M:C arguments needed for the data transformation.

Echo some details of the transformation as it runs.

Supply a seed to the random number generator. No random values are used at this time in the processing, however.


Map files all start with a line of the form “#anonymize-csv-map <kind>” where kind is one of the supported M values. The columns of the file are separated by whitespace. The first column is the item of input data to be replaced and the second column is the replacement. Multiple items from column 1 may have the same value in column 2.

By default, map files are saved in the output directory as anonmap_Xmap.txt, where X is replaced with a kind indicator (i, p, n, h). The prefix option is used to relocate these outputs. They cannot be suppressed.

In the special case of host names and host lists, name fragment substitutions are supported. Any appearance of a host list, such as gw[1,3-5] is expanded to single hostnames. Each host name is split at “-”, and each fragment is checked for a replacement from the hmap file. Any fragment not found in the hmap has right-side digits 0-9 stripped and mapping the remainder is again attempted; if successful, the stripped number is appended to the result, otherwise an error occurs. The fragments are rejoined with “-”. When all hosts in the appearance have been rewritten, the host list is collapsed before output.

The special host map element ‘netdomains’ is used to remove fully qualified domain suffixes. It is a comma separated list of suffixes, and order matters (subdomains should come before their root if both appear). Suffix removal occurs before substitution.


There is no column delete option; use cut(1) to remove entire columns.

To ensure map consistency across multiple runs, use the map outputs as the map inputs to the second and subsequent runs.


In bash:

colargs=$(ldms-csv-anonymize \

ldms-csv-anonymize $colargs \
     --out-dir=/tmp \
     --save-maps=anonjob_ \
     --hmap=/home/anonjob_hmap.txt \

and in a host map file:

#anonymize-csv-map host
netdomains .ca.sandia.gov,.sandia.gov
compute node
admin svc

will cause compute01 to be replaced with node01 and admin7 to be replaced with svc7. The .sandia.gov and .ca.sandia.gov domains will be stripped.


There is no pipeline filtering mode.

