LDMS User’s Group

LDMS User’s group will meet every other Monday at Noon (Mountain time). Sign up for meeting announcements using the information below. The LDMS Mailing Lists are hosted by LLNL at listserv.llnl.gov. The current available lists are:

ldms-announce - A low traffic announcements-only mailing list.

Subscribing to the list

To subscribe to one of the mailing lists, send an email to listserv@listserv.llnl.gov. The body of the email should be (note: copy and paste may introduce non-printing characters. Please type out the message below):


For instance:

subscribe ldms-announce YOURFIRSTNAME YOURLASTNAME

Unsubscribing from the list

To unsubscribe from one of the mailing lists, send an email to listserv@listserv.llnl.gov. The body of the email should be:

unsubscribe LISTNAME

For instance:

unsubscribe ldms-announce

LDMS User Group Meeting Notes

All notes for our biweekly meetings can be found here: Meeting Notes