

19 Nov 2019


ldmsd_controller - a python program to configure an ldms daemon.


ldmsd_controller [OPTIONS]

ldmsd_controller> <cmd> [ <attr>=<value> ]


With LDMS (Lightweight Distributed Metric Service), the ldmsd can be configured via the ldmsd_controller.

If ldms is built with –enable-readline, one can invoke the ldmsd_controller from the command line and obtain an input interface with feedback. In many instances, instances, however, it is prefered to execute scripts and send the output commands to an ldmsd instead.


Note: python2.6 with the additional installation of the argparse module OR python2.7 (which has the argparse module) is required.






-h,–host HOST

Hostname of ldmsd to connect to

-p,–port PORT

The port of ldmsd to connect to

-x,–xprt XPRT

The transport type (sock, rdma, ugni).

-a,–auth AUTH

The LDMS authentication plugin. Please see ldms_authentication(7) for more information.

-A,–auth-arg NAME=VALUE

Options NAME=VALUE Passing the NAME=VALUE option to the LDMS Authentication plugin. This command line option can be given multiple times. Please see ldms_authentication(7) for more information, and consult the plugin manual page for plugin-specific options.

–source SOURCE

Path to the config file
–script SCRIPT

Execute the script and send the output commands to the connected ldmsd

Display help


Display help


The regular expression specified in regex= option of the commands is a POSIX Extended (modern) Regular Expression. In short, “*+?{}|^$.” are special regular expression characters. Please see regex(7) for more information.


Load a plugin

load attr=<value>
name name

The plugin name

List the usage of the loaded plugins


unload a plugin

term attr=<value>
name name

The plugin name

Send a configuration command to the specified plugin.

config attr=<value>

name name

The plugin name

Plugin specific attr=value tuples

Attributes specific for sampler plugins (Some sampler plugins may have additional attributes)

producer producer

A unique name for the host providing the data
instance instance

The set instance name. The name must be unique among all metric sets in all LDMS daemons.
[component_id component_id]

A unique number for the comopnent being monitored. The default is zero.
[schema schema]

The name of the metric set schema.
[job_set job_set]

The set instance name of the set containing the job data. The default is ‘job_info’.
[uid uid]

The user id of the set’s owner. The default is the returned value of geteuid().
[gid gid]

The group id of the set’s owner. The default is the returned value of getegid().
[perm perm]

The sampler plugin instance access permission. The default is 0440.

Start a sampler plugin

start attr=<value>

name name

The plugin name.
interval interval

The sample interval in microseconds.
[offset offset]

Offset (shift) from the sample mark in microseconds. Offset can be positive or negative with magnitude up to 1/2 the sample interval. If this offset is specified, including 0, collection will be synchronous; if the offset is not specified, collection will be asynchronous. Optional.

Stop a sampler plugin

stop attr=<value>

name name

The plugin name.


Add an authentication domain

auth_add name=NAME plugin=PLUGIN [ … PLUGIN ATTRIBUTES … ]


The name of the authentication domain. This is the name referred to by listen and prdcr_add commands.

The LDMS Authentication Plugin for this domain.

Arbitrary plugin attributes. Please consult the manual of the authentication plugin for more information.


Instruct ldmsd to listen to a port

listen port=PORT xprt=sock|rdma|ugni|fabric [host=HOST] [auth=AUTH_REF]


The port to listen to. Also, please be sure not to use ephemeral port (ports in the range of /proc/sys/net/ip4/ip_local_port_range).

The type of the transport.

An optional hostname or IP address to bind. If not given, listen to all addresses ( or PORT).

Instruct ldmsd to use AUTH_REF (a name reference to auth object created by auth_add command) to authenticate connections on this port. If not given, the port uses the default authentication method specified on the CLI options (see ldmsd(8) option -a).


Add a producer to the aggregator

prdcr_add attr=<value>
name name

The producer name. The producer name must be unique in an aggregator. It is independent of any attributes specified for the metric sets or hosts.
xprt xprt

The transport name [sock, rdma, ugni]
host host

The hostname of the host
type conn_type

The connection type [active, passive]
interval interval

The connection retry interval
[perm permission]

The permission to modify the producer in the future
[auth AUTH_REF]

Instruct ldmsd to use AUTH_REF (a name reference to auth object created by auth_add command) with the connections to this producer. If not given, the default authentication method specified on the CLI options (see ldmsd(8) option -a) is used.

Delete a producer from the aggregator

The producer cannot be in use or running
prdcr_del attr=<value>
name name

The producer name

Start a producer

prdcr_start attr=<value>

name name

The producer name
[interval interval]

The connection retry interval in microsec. If unspecified, the previously configured value will be used. Optional.

Start all producers matching a regular expression

prdcr_start_regex attr=<value>

regex regex

A regular expression
[interval interval]

The connection retry interval in microsec. If unspecified, the previously configured value will be used. Optional.

Stop a producer

prdcr_stop attr=<value>

name name

The producer name

Stop all producers matching a regular expression

prdcr_stop_regex attr=<value>

regex regex

A regular expression

Query producer status

prdcr_status attr=<value>

[name name]

The producer name. If none is given, the statuses of all producers are reported.

Subscribe for stream data from all matching producers


regex regex

The regular expression matching producer name
stream stream

The stream name


Add an updater process that will periodically sample producer metric sets

updtr_add attr=<value>

name name

The update policy name. The policy name should be unique. It is independent of any attributes specified for the metric sets or hosts.
interval interval

The update/collect interval
[offset offset]

Offset for synchronized aggregation. Optional.
[push onchange|true]

Push mode: ‘onchange’ and ‘true’. ‘onchange’ means the Updater will get an update whenever the set source ends a transaction or pushes the update. ‘true’ means the Updater will receive an update only when the set source pushes the update. If `push` is used, `auto_interval` cannot be `true`.
[auto_interval true|false ]

If true, the updater will schedule set updates according to the update hint. The sets with no hints will not be updated. If false, the updater will schedule the set updates according to the given interval and offset values. If not specified, the value is false.

[perm permission]

The permission to modify the updater in the future

Remove an updater from the configuration

updtr_del attr=<value>

name name

The update policy name

Add a match condition that specifies the sets to update.

updtr_match_add attr=<value>

name name

The update policy name
regex regex

The regular expression
match match (inst|schema)

The value with which to compare; if match=inst, the expression will match the set’s instance name, if match=schema, the expression will match the set’s schema name.

Remove a match condition from the Updater.

updtr_match_del attr=<value>

name name

The update policy name
regex regex

The regular expression
match match (inst|schema)

The value with which to compare; if match=inst, the expression will match the set’s instance name, if match=schema, the expression will match the set’s schema name.

Add matching producers to an updater policy

This is required before starting the updater.

updtr_prdcr_add attr=<value>

name name

The update policy name
regex regex

A regular expression matching zero or more producers

Remove matching producers to an updater policy

updtr_prdcr_del attr=<value>

name name

The update policy name
regex regex

A regular expression matching zero or more producers

Start updaters.

updtr_start attr=<value>

name name

The update policy name
[interval interval]

The update interval in micro-seconds. If this is not specified, the previously configured value will be used. Optional.
[offset offset]

Offset for synchronized aggregation. Optional.

Stop an updater.

The Updater must be stopped in order to change it’s configuration.

updtr_stop attr=<value>

name name

The update policy name

Query the updater status

updtr_status attr=<value>

[name name]

The updater name. If none is given, the statuses of all updaters are reported.


Create a Storage Policy and open/create the storage instance.

strgp_add attr=<value>

name name

The unique storage policy name.
plugin plugin

The name of the storage backend.
container container

The storage backend container name.
schema schema

The schema name of the metric set to store.
[perm permission]

The permission to modify the storage in the future

Remove a Storage Policy

All updaters must be stopped in order for a storage policy to be deleted
strgp_del attr=<value>
name name

The storage policy name

Add a regular expression used to identify the producers this storage policy will apply to.

If no producers are added to the storage policy, the storage policy will apply on all producers.
strgp_prdcr_add attr=<value>
name name

The storage policy name
regex name

A regular expression matching metric set producers.

Remove a regular expression from the producer match list

strgp_prdcr_del attr=<value>

name name
The storage policy name
regex regex

The regex of the producer to remove.

Add the name of a metric to store

strgp_metric_add attr=<value>

name name
The storage policy name
metric metric

The metric name. If the metric list is NULL, all metrics in the metric set will be stored.

Remove a metric from the set of stored metrics.

strgp_metric_del attr=<value>

name name
The storage policy name
metric metric

The metric to remove

Start a storage policy.

strgp_start attr=<value>

name name
The storage policy name

Stop a storage policy.

A storage policy must be stopped in order to change its configuration.

strgp_stop attr=<value>

name name
The storage policy name

Query the storage policy status

strgp_status attr=<value>

[name name]

The storage policy name. If none is given, the statuses of all storage policies are reported.


Please see ldmsd_failover(7).


Please see ldmsd_setgroup(7).


Publish data to the named stream

plublish attr=<value>

name name

The stream name
data data

The data to publish

Subscribe to a stream

subscribe attr=<value>

name name

The stream name


Changing the verbosity level of ldmsd

loglevel attr=<value>

level level

Exit the connected LDMS daemon gracefully


Query the connected LDMS daemon status


Tell the daemon to dump it’s internal state to the log file.

status <type> [name=<value>]

Reports only the specified objects. The choices are prdcr, updtr and strgp.
prdcr: list the state of all producers.
updtr: list the state of all update policies.
strgp: list the state of all storage policies.
[name value]

The object name of which the status will be reported.


Display the list of available commands

help <command>
If a command is given, the help of the command will be printed. Otherwise, only the available command names are printed.

Set the user data value for a metric in a metric set.

udata attr=<value>
set set

The sampler plugin name
metric metric

The metric name
udata udata

The desired user-data. This is a 64b unsigned integer.

Set the user data of multiple metrics using regular expression.

The user data of the first matched metric is set to the base value. The base value is incremented by the given ‘incr’ value and then sets to the user data of the consecutive matched metric and so on.
udata_regex attr=<value>
set set

The metric set name.
regex regex

A regular expression to match metric names to be set
base base

The base value of user data (uint64)
[incr incr]

Increment value (int). The default is 0. If incr is 0, the user data of all matched metrics are set to the base value. Optional.

Get the LDMS version the running LDMSD is based on.


Launch a subshell to do arbitrary commands


Comment (a skipped line)



No known bugs.


Example of a script to add producers to updaters

> more add_prdcr.sh

port1=`expr $portbase + 1`
port2=`expr $portbase + 2`
port3=`expr $portbase + 3`

echo "prdcr_add name=localhost2 host=localhost type=active xprt=sock port=$port2 interval=20000000"
echo "prdcr_start name=localhost2"
echo "prdcr_add name=localhost1 host=localhost type=active xprt=sock port=$port1 interval=20000000"
echo "prdcr_start name=localhost1"
echo "updtr_add name=policy5_h1 interval=2000000 offset=0"
echo "updtr_prdcr_add name=policy5_h1 regex=localhost1"
echo "updtr_start name=policy5_h1"
echo "updtr_add name=policy5_h2 interval=5000000 offset=0"
echo "updtr_prdcr_add name=policy5_h2 regex=localhost2"
echo "updtr_start name=policy5_h2"

Example of a script to add and start stores

> more add_store.sh

# whole path must exist
mkdir -p $STORE_PATH
sleep 1

echo "load name=store_csv"
echo "config name=store_csv path=$STORE_PATH action=init altheader=0 rollover=30 rolltype=1"
echo "config name=store_csv action=custom container=csv schema=cray_aries_r altheader=1  userdata=0"

echo "strgp_add name=policy_mem plugin=store_csv container=csv schema=meminfo"
echo "strgp_start name=policy_mem"

#echo "strgp_add name=csv_memfoo_policy plugin=store_csv container=meminfo schema=meminfo_foo"
#echo "strgp_prdcr_add name=csv_memfoo_policy regex=localhost*"
#echo "strgp_start name=csv_memfoo_policy"

Example to start an ldmsd and use ldmsd_controller to call a script

> ldmsd -x sock:11111 -l log.txt
> ldmsd_controller --host localhost --port 11111 --xprt sock --script myscript.sh


ldmsd(8), ldmsctl(8), ldms_quickstart(7), ldmsd_failover(7), ldmsd_setgroup(7)