

30 Sep 2019


Plugin_slurm_notifier - man page for the SPANK slurm_notifier plugin


Within plugstack.conf: required OVIS_PREFIX/LIBDIR/ovis-ldms/ stream=STREAM_NAME timeout=TIMEOUT_SEC [user_debug] client=XPRT:HOST:PORT:AUTH


slurm_notifier is a SPANK plugin that notifies ldmsd about job events (e.g. job start, job termination) and related information (e.g. job_id, task_id, task process ID). The notification is done over ldmsd_stream publish mechanism. See SUBSCRIBERS below for plugins known to consume the spank plugin messages.

stream=STREAM_NAME specifies the name of publishing stream. The default value is slurm.

timeout=TIMEOUT_SEC is the number of seconds determining the time-out of the LDMS connections (default 5).

user_debug, if present, enables sending certain plugin management debugging messages to the user’s slurm output. (default: disabled – slurm_debug2() receives the messages instead).

client=XPRT:HOST:PORT:AUTH specifies ldmsd to which slurm_notifier publishes the data. The XPRT specifies the type of the transport, which includes sock, rdma, ugni, and fabric. The HOST is the hostname or the IP address that ldmsd resides. The PORT is the listening port of the ldmsd. The AUTH is the LDMS authentication method that the ldmsd uses, which are munge, or none. The client option can be repeated to specify multiple ldmsd’s.


The following plugins are known to process slurm_notifier messages:

slurm_sampler         (collects slurm job & task data)
slurm_sampler2        (collects slurm job & task data)
papi_sampler          (collects PAPI data from tasks identified)
linux_proc_sampler    (collects /proc data from tasks identified)



required /opt/ovis/lib64/ovis-ldms/ stream=slurm timeout=5 client=sock:localhost:10000:munge client=sock:node0:10000:munge


spank(8), Plugin_slurm_sampler(7), Plugin_papi_sampler(7), Plugin_linux_proc_sampler(7), ldmsd(8), ldms_quickstart(7),