Grafana Panel Creation with DSOS Plugin

To create a new dashboard, click on the + sign on the left side of the Grafana home page and select dashboard. This will create a blank dashboard with an empty panel in it. Panels can be thought of as a visualization of a single query. select the add query button on the panel to begin configuring the query to be sent to an analysis module.

Configuring the Query and Visualization


Once you right click on the panel title and select edit, the panel settings will appear. The first tab is for configuring the query. There are 8 fields in the query field defined below:

  • Query Type - type of query to perform. The most commonly used in “analysis” which calls an analysis module. “metrics” is used to return raw data without any analysis module.

  • Query Format - the type of visualization to be used on the dataset. It is used by Grafana Formatter to properly JSON-ify the data returned from the analysis module. Can be either time_series, table, or heatmap.

  • Analysis - required if you choose analysis query type. Specifies the python module to call to transofrm the data.

  • Container - the name of the container to be used. This can be either the full path to the container or the Django backend get_container function can be changed to customize for site settings.

  • Schema - What LDMS schema will be passed into the analysis module

  • Metric - Pass a metric, or a comma separated list (without spaces) of metrics, into the analysis module

  • Extra Params - (Optional) pass in an arbitrary string into the analysis module

  • Filters - (Optional) include a no-sql like syntax for filtering your query, can be a comma separated list of filters i.e. component_id == 5,job_id > 0

The second tab in the panel settings is for visualization. Graph, Table, and Heatmap are the available visualizations for a query output.

Text, which uses Markdown language, could also be used for Dashboard descriptions or details. If you use a graph visualization, the query Format should be time_series. If you use a table visualization, the query Format should be table.

Graphs have multiple draw modes: bars, lines, and points. You can any or all of these draw modes on. You can also stack multiple time_series using the stack toggle button.

For more information about how to view the data and configure the panels, please see Grafana’s Panels and Visualization Documentation

Dashboard Variables and Advanced Settings


Often we want users to be able to change inputs into the queries, however users cannot change edit queries. What they can edit in Grafana are variables, which are listed at the top of the dashboard. These variables can be referenced with a $ in front of the variable name. For example, we can let the user switch SOS containers they are interested by creating a variable called container and then putting $container in the container field of the query. To create variables, go to the dashboard settings (gear button at the top right) and go to variables. Here you can create new variables. Common variable types are text boxes, for users to fill in, or queries. We can actually create a pre-populated list of options for certain fields by querying the container. Below are the queryable metrics what information to put in the query field.

  • Container - select the custom option in the Type field and add the name of the container being used to query from in the custom options field.

  • Schema - query=schema&container=<cont_name>

  • Index - query=index&container=<cont_name>&schema=<schema_name>

  • Metrics - query=metrics&container=<cont_name>&schema=<schema_name>

  • Component IDs - query=components&container=<cont_name>&schema=<schema_name>

  • Jobs - query=jobs&container=<cont_name>&schema=<schema_name>

You can put variables in queries as well. For example, if you already have a $container variable, you can set the schema variable query to be query=schema&container=$container. Then the $schema variable can be used in other queries.

In the dashboard settings you can also change the dashboard name and folder location and load previously saved versions.

Other than the container variable, all other variables bulleted above are set to query in the Type field